Thursday, August 12, 2010

K-ON! Photoshoot

Hey gang, ever since Masurao was back in the box, I couldn't have the confidence in building Bandai Kit just yet, So I figured I wanna rest for a while and enjoy some rock songs... And these girls are entertaining my sorrows.

Yui with her Sunburst Les Paul Gibson
which is always a favorite guitar of mine too.

The lovable Mio

Ditzy Mugi

Ritsu.. I can't put a word on to her...

And the whole gang... Say... Aren't we missing someone?


Anonymous said...

For Ritsu, I would say "gleaming". XD
Well, Azu-Nyan is still missing...

Syful said...

I KNOW!! gahh... the order has been delayed till october... so is my order of BRS... Oopss... Did I mentioned any of them before?

David John Shewsbury said...

Figma BRS will be out end of August 2010...

By the way - the last photo - it seems to focus wrongly - or maybe you purposely just want to focus to the 2 gals at the back?

No big deal, if its wrongly focus - I think that is normal... I made such mistakes many times my self...

The photo looks OK on the LCD, but once you view it on the computer... then you know something is wrong... sigh...

Syful said...

the last picture was taken by my niece, so I thought ahhh what the heck, so I did like you told me too, resize for web page, but I don't know, something is definitely wrong with my picture, My choice for a camera is a nikon 3000D, which is not yet in my possession, I'm still waiting for the right time heheh, but seriously, I'm not good with online uploading stuff, the clarity of certain pictures I need to maintain